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Home is where the heart is,
a camera is an artist's heart -
every shutter-click is a heart beat.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Photographs "Presence"

"Presence" series
by Karin Lisa Atkinson

Location: Venice Beach, Los Angeles, Nova Scotia, Hawai'i 
Camera: Nikon D3100 and Sony DSC-RX100M2 (pocket camera) 
Conditions: Natural light, usually wind, no flash, no tripod 

"A photograph is always invisible, 
 it is not it that we see. 
 The photographic image... 
 ... is a message without a code. 

 What the Photograph reproduces 
to infinity 
 has occurred only once: 
 the Photograph mechanically repeats 
 what could never be repeated existentially. 

 The photograph is literally 
an emanation of the referent. 
 From a real body, 
 which was there, 
 proceed radiations 
which ultimately touch me, 
 who am here; 
 the duration of the transmission is insignificant; 
 the photograph of the missing being, 
 as Sontag says, 
 "will touch me like the delayed rays of a star." 

 Ultimately - 
or at the limit - 
in order to see a photograph well, 
 it is best to look away 
or close your eyes. 

 For me the noise of Time is not sad: 
 I love bells, clocks, watches - 
and I recall 
that at first photographic implements 
were related to techniques of cabinetmaking 
 and the machinery of precision: 
 cameras, in short, were clocks for seeing, 
 and perhaps in me 
 someone very old 
 still hears in the photographic mechanism 
the living sound of the wood. 

 So let us become a little detached, 
 let us undertake the apprenticeship 
 of a certain distance ... 
 ... in order to see a photograph well, 
 it is best to look away or close your eyes."

 ~ Roland Barthes 1915-1980 (France) 

Excerpts from "Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography"

Quote of Susan Sontag from her book "On Photography",
"The photograph of the missing being will touch me like the delayed rays of a star."

"So let us become a little detached, let us undertake the apprenticeship of a certain distance."
taken from "A Lover's Discourse: Fragments" 
by Roland Barthes
Translated by Richard Howard