#afterburn 2017
by Karin Lisa Atkinson
Location: Venice Beach / Los Angeles California
Camera: Nikon D3100
Conditions: Day/Night ambient light, no flash, no tripod
"I think your mythology would call them fallen angels.
War and hate are their business,
and one of their chief weapons is un-Naming -
making people not know who they are.
If someone knows who he is,
really knows,
then he doesn't need to hate ...
There are still stars
which move in ordered and beautiful rhythm.
There are still people
in this world who keep promises ...
That’s enough to keep my heart optimistic,
no matter how pessimistic my mind.
And you and I have good enough minds
to know how very limited and finite they really are.
The naked intellect is an extraordinarily inaccurate instrument ...
We don’t have to know everything at once.
We just do one thing at a time, as it is given us to do.”
~ Madeleine L'Engle